Healer Training Resources on HealingReikiMaster.com

My name is Bill Austin and I am a Reiki Healing Master, spiritual healer, teacher and artist. I have been working full time as a healer for over six years now and have helped thousands of people around the world. I have been training healers for over five years now. I have attuned Practical Mastery Healing Practitioners for over fifteen countries at this time and list continues to grow each year.

Listen to Bill's 10/09 BBS Radio Interview

Bill's Top Six Recommendations for Healer Training

1.  Practical Mastery™ Practitioner
Training Program
(more information

2.  Universal Clearing Profile 

3.  Crystalline Rainbow Reiki™

4.  Self Help and Healing Tools

5.  Pet and Animal Healing Training

6 Daily Support Program (many of the
     people in this program are healers
     looking for extra support)

 Learn Advanced Self-Mastery & Healing Skills

 -- With Bill Austin's Free Spiritual Healing E-Course --

  •    Improve YOUR Life with Energy Healing!

  •    Realize More of YOUR Potential.

  •    Be the Person YOU Always Meant to Be!


My Approach to Healer Training:

When I was studying spiritual healing, I worked with a lot of different healers and pretty much used all of my time off from my regular job to attend healing workshops all over the world. In 2004 I began training healers in one of the modalities I used to work with and traveled all over the US offering classes.

I found that not only was this very time consuming and disruptive of my daily life but also that I usually spent more money on air fare, hotels and meals than I did on the workshop. I also found that often we got behind on the schedule and had to rush through the last part of the class which I personally found very frustrating. I resolved at this point that if I ever taught people a healing modality that I would do things differently.

In late 2005 when I brought in the Practical Mastery and Enlightenment modality with hundreds of sessions, I got that I needed to train people in this modality. I thought about this for a long time and I decided to attune people for Practical Mastery and provide a detailed manual so that people could go through the material on their own. This technique worked so well for this modality that I used it for all the modalities I brought in after it.

Highlighted Healer Training Resource - Practical Mastery Training Program

My passion in life is to empower you to open your heart, align with your soul, realize your full potential, to enhance the quality of your daily life and to master the third dimensional school we call Planet Earth. I am not so much into unbalanced growth for the sake of growth as much as I am in helping you to tap into the power of universal laws and spiritual principles to create a life that works and supports you on all levels.

I call this concept practical mastery and I named my first healing modality after this. In a way the Practical Mastery body of work is about giving people the tools they need to clear and heal themselves. It is my encyclopedia for self help, growth, healing and improvement. This modality is comprised of hundreds of powerful sessions for clearing, healing, abundance, emotional mastery and enlightenment. Many people who are trained in this modality are not healers at all - just highly dedicated people who are committed to their path and who are ready to shift.


Practitioner Training

Bill Austin has been training spiritual healers and attending Reiki Masters for several years. He currently offers five training programs for healers seeking to expand their expertise.