How the Blasting Sessions Work

I would like to use the money blasting session to demonstrate how these blasting sessions work. Basically when I do money blasting, I pulse energy through my hands to help break up congested, stagnant energies, blocks and resistances to financial flow, abundance, success, prosperity, etc. I am structuring blasting sessions like the Energetic Tune Up Program in that they will be transmitted to people as soon as they order the session.

About eight years ago, I worked with a very gifted body worker in Denver who did cranial sacral work and pulsed energy into the body via her hands as she worked on people. She awakened a spiritual gift in me where I could pulse blasts of energy through my hands for healing and clearing. For many years, I used to blast energy through my hands to a globe to assist the planet in healing and I also used to blast energy to assist clients I worked with on the phone or people who requested healing support from me. So this series of blasting sessions is based on a new application of this gift.

I am very excited about these new sessions because every time I run them for myself, I feel a lot of energies shift within me.

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Practitioner Training

Bill Austin has been training spiritual healers and attending Reiki Masters for several years. He currently offers five training programs for healers seeking to expand their expertise.