28 Day Blasting Program

Since I have so many blasting sessions - all of which are universally beneficial, I thought I would create a 28 day program where I transmit a divine ideal extract from the energies of all the blasting sessions once a day to people who participate in this group. I get that each day each person would receive the equivalent of around two to three individual blasting sessions each day but it would be calibrated to whatever is aligned to the highest good for each person.

The cost of the 28 Day Blasting Program is just $90 so you save over $160 when you sign up for this program. For administrative purposes, I start everyone on Monday. So if you order on Tuesday, I will begin sending you the 28 blasting sessions on the next Monday.


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Practitioner Training

Bill Austin has been training spiritual healers and attending Reiki Masters for several years. He currently offers five training programs for healers seeking to expand their expertise.