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Bill Austin
  Do YOU Have Any of the Top Ten Money Blocks?

After helping clients for over ten years to release money blocks, I developed a list of the most common ones that came up in sessions with clients. I feel that the ten biggest money blocks most people have are:

  1. Clearing beliefs that money is bad, unclean and unspiritual; that money is the root of all evil; that rich and wealthy people are bad, evil and wicked or that rich people cannot be spiritual.
  2. Clearing behaviors and money disorders that repel money from us. Clearing financial self sabotage, neediness and trauma as well as  anxiety, tension, worry, stress and fears around money. Clearing any anger, rage and resentment we have toward wealthy people.
  3. Clearing our past financial history and life experiences around money. Clearing out financial adversity, misfortune and bad luck.
  4. Clearing negative energies, influences and interference around money and economic exchanges. Things like financial reversals; downward spirals, bad luck, etc.
  5. Clearing beliefs people have around being unable or incapable of becoming wealthy. Things like you have to have money to make money or you have to be smart/educated in order to become wealthy.
  6. Clearing beliefs that you have to work hard to succeed, that it takes time to become wealthy and that having money complicates your life.
  7. Clearing beliefs around class, caste systems and social hierarchies. A lot of people feel that they have always been poor or middle class and they cannot move beyond that.
  8. Clearing limits and glass ceilings we have around what is possible financially. A lot of people just don’t feel that is possible for them to become wealthy or they feel that they don’t deserve to succeed.
  9. Clearing concerns that people won’t like me if I am rich or that they will only like me because of my money. Also clearing beliefs that we need other people’s help and support to become wealthy.
  10. Clear out less-than-love beliefs around money, success, prosperity and abundance from your family of origin, mass consciousness, world religions, media and other cultural influences.

You may want to print out this list and think about it over the next week or so. Watch what you say about money either to yourself or others and listen to what other people say about money.

Clearing The Top Ten Money Blocks

Now that you know what the top ten major money blocks are, it is time to clear them. In this audio recording, Money Healer Bill Austin transmits healing energies from  his four major healing systems to help you clear, transmute heal and release these common money blocks.


Moving on - Step 2 Clearing YOUR Specific Money Blocks

Now that you know what the most common money blocks are, it is time to identify your specific money blocks... Often these money blocks originate from your experiences with money from early childhood and even the financial experiences and beliefs held by your family of origin. In the next step, Bill provides you with an excerpt from Chapter 1 of Transform Your Relationship with Money and a powerful technique to identify your specific money blocks.




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