I created four audio transmissions of ten healing sessions from each of my four major healing modalities to introduce people to my work before they order anything!
Bill Austin

Audio Introductions to My Four Major Healing Modalities

When I was praying and meditating on what would be the best way to introduce people on FaceBook™ to my major healing modalities, I got that I should create four audio transmissions for the Universal Clearing Profile, Crystalline Rainbow Reiki, Practical Mastery™ and Angelic Mastery™.


To listen to the audio recording for the Universal Clearing Profile - my best selling healer training program and self growth product:


To listen to the audio recording for the Crystalline Rainbow Reiki - a heart paradigm system for Reiki:


To listen to the audio recording for the Practical Mastery Spiritual Healing and Enlightenment Modality:


To listen to the audio recording for the Angelic Mastery Spiritual Healing and Enlightenment Modality:


When I meditated on what ten sessions, I could create for each modality this was the list:

1.    Clear, Transmute and Heal Anxiety and Fear

2.    Clear, Transmute and Heal Self Sabotage

3.    Clear, Transmute and Heal Addictions and Cravings

4.    Clear, Transmute and Heal Lack and Scarcity Consciousness

5.    Clear, Transmute and Heal Low Self Esteem and Self Worth

6.    Clear, Transmute and Heal Energetic Weaknesses and Imbalances

7.    Clear, Transmute and Heal Illness & Disease States

8.    Clear, Transmute and Heal Depression, Sadness and Grief

9.    Clear, Transmute and Heal Blocks to Self Love and Acceptance

10. Clear, Transmute and Heal Blocks to Joy, Happiness and Inner Peace








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